No Frost Gardener
Love your garden? 

Old roses


About Us

No Frost Gardener was created by a gardening enthusiast who found few gardening resources for her mild Southern California coastal climate.  Most books focus on four-season gardening with garden chores and plant care based around a spring-fall-winter schedule.  Specialized books address other climates, such as the mediterrean climate which can be similar in terms of rainfall, but which can freeze, or tropical climates which don't freeze but have an abundance of rainfall and humidity.        

No Frost Gardener addresses this lack of resources for temperate gardening. These mild and dry zones are found along the Southern California coast, and in areas of Australia, South America and South Africa.   We provide ideas and inspiration for frost-free gardens by showcasing gardens and plants in our areas. The No Frost Gardener Guides with how-to information and plant guides, will be available in 2010.   The Gardens publications will feature local gardens in the Southern California area. The first volume, Gardens of San Clemente, is currently in production.  Information, tips and photos on frost-free gardening are already being posted on our website which is expected to grow into an in depth and useful resource and idea book for gardeners. 

The No Frost Gardener circle of family, friends and neighbors is growing.  Whether you are a full time gardener, professional landscaper, weekend enthusiast or just appreciate the beautiful gardens in your neighborhood, please join us!